Tuesday 5 February 2013

9 to 5

I don't know whether it's just me, but in a skin-care routine, I always like to start with a slightly more exfoliating cleanser, and follow up with a more creamy, soothing one. I was using aqua marina as my gentle option, but I realised that I had a reaction to the calamine, so I was on a hunt for an alternative. I  searched around the website and all the cleansers, until 2 possibilities emerged,  I was debating whether to go for either 'Ultrabland' or '9 to 5', in the end I went for 9 to 5 because it was cheaper. So here's how I've found it!
       First thing's first, It's a liquid! Yes, an actual liquid cleanser from lush. this intrigued me as I believe it is the only one, the texture is quite milky and runny, but a beautiful ivory colour, and the smell is divine, I'd go as far as saying the scent is my favourite out of all of the cleansers, it has a florally, nutty, tranquil aroma, something that I love for my night-time routine as it makes me feel relaxed and quite drowsy.
     I will say that if you have problematic skin, this product should not be used as an individual cleanser! I repeat, not as an individual cleanser, it is far too light, and it won't pull out any gunk from the pores, saying that however, when you apply it (after hot water preferably, opens up the pores), the skin absorbs it so quickly, it's crazy, I know it is recommended on the website as a make-up remover. but i don't wear foundation or any skin makeup, so maybe the rate of the skin soaking it up is relevant to that? I don't know, but that is something I'm fond of, because it's a right pain having to work face products in for a long period of time.
     Lush do mention in the description that you don't have to wash it off with water, just use toner, but I wasn't too keen on that method, my face didn't feel as clean as it does with water, so that's my preferred technique, after the cleanser has been removed, the face looks healthy, nourished, and quite moisturized, which is a nice factor, because I get really dry patches around my face, so it was all balanced, so for all you folk with combination skin, a bonus there! I would definitely recommend this product, some of you may be sitting there thinking 'well what's the point if it doesen't do anything' But if you understand my preference of having an after cleanser that's more on the gentle side, go and check it out here

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Mask of Magnaminty

Hey guys! So this week on my regular trip to lush, I was pondering which products were actually left for me to try out and critique for you. Then I spotted the 'Mask of Magnaminty'. Now I am a virgin to the Lush face masks, so I thought as this one doesen't require all the hassle of putting it in the fridge, and using it up within the month of expiry, I decided to give it a try, so here's how I got on.
     The first noticeable thing about it is that the product is a sludge green, as there's mint in there (obviously) I thought it would be a grassy, fresh colour, so that was a bit off-putting. and the scent is a musky, peppermint. It's very pleasant, and the smell is more obvious when applying it, which brings me to my next point, it is a very strange texture, it says in the ingredients that it has 'ground aduki beans' which is probably why, when I trialed the mask on my dad, he turned his nose up and claimed 'it felt like having cold bolognese sauce rubbed on his face'. Lovely Father. However I do see where he's coming from, the texture is strange, thick but a bit lumpy, but the lovely thing is that it's cold when it's first slathered on the face, which is lovely and refreshing. There are 3 stages to this when it starts getting to work that I've noticed:
1. A mild stinging sensation, (don't worry, it's not just me, my dad agreed!)
2. It starts to make your face really cold, wherever you happen to move a rush of icy air envelops the face, and the mint gives you a tingly feeling.
3. It dries up, which makes your face feel very strange, having a crusty layer plastering it.
    When the product is drying, your face tightens up a considerable amount, which isn't unpleasant, just makes you feel like you've had botox like Madonna, I was barely able to talk! I normally leave it on from 10-20 minutes, until it's primarily dry on the face. 
              One thing I wouldn't recommend is trying to remove it with a flannel/washcloth, as it is too crusty and just doesen't come off. Use some water and the good old fashioned splashing technique. Works every time! I think my favourite thing overall about this product is that when I was washing it off, and the mask had nearly all gone, my face was actually squeaking it was so clean, I was absolutely amazed, I'd never had that with ANY skin product before, so to feel my face so clean was a new record, as always my face felt ridiculously soft after it had all been washed off and the squeaking had subsided, I expect nothing less from the lush skin-care now though, an extraordinary product, and if all the face-masks perform to that level, many more reviews will be coming your way! Ciao! 
Check it out here:

Tuesday 22 January 2013

My steamy session with the Tea Tree Toner Tab!

This week my skin has NOT been behaving itself, Just when I thought the battle with my spots had been won and my skin was starting to behave as it should. After using aqua marina for a couple of weeks, and having a mild stinging sensation every time, I assumed that was the cleanser just working it's magic and pulling all the unwanted dirt out from my pores, but it turns out it was reacting to the calamine, so my skin has broken out really badly, so I will not be trying fresh farmacy as I understand that contains quite a bit. So my skin was feeling really sore and sensitive, it was breaking out, I didn't know what to do as whatever I put on burnt my face. So I thought about steaming it, because that's not using any harsh ingredients at all, just releasing the blackheads and controlling oil, So i went on an emergency trip to lush, and bought the cheapest of their steamers, which happened to be the tea tree toner tab. It cost me £1, which seems reasonable I suppose? As they recommend bottling up the water and reusing it within a week, it does seem moderately priced.  I am yet to use the Dream Steam, which costs £2.50 for a little tab. So I bought one of the tea tree circles and walked home, eager to see if this would calm down my Irritable, Problematic skin.
       So this little tab is around the size of a £2 coin, with the depth of a lip balm pot, so big enough, and the colour is light green/white, the smell isn't too obvious. It has a 'T' in the centre of the product. When I got round to using it, I boiled the kettle and put the boiling water into a big glass bowl, when dropped into the water it fizzed and bubbled, and was completely instant, which I was so impressed with, and the water turned a subtle emerald green colour. The smell of tea tree suddenly dispersed around the whole room, and the scent was fresh and aromatic. I put my head under and got down to some steaming business, until it wasn't hot enough to generate any more steam.
      I tested the sensitivity of my skin after I had finished steaming, and it felt as though it had departed, so I put on the mask of Magnaminty (Review coming later his week) and my skin felt better than it had in weeks, It was no longer sensitive, it had relieved my face of the patchiness, with oily and dry parts, (much more than it normally is with my combination skin). So I would definitely recommend if your skin is misbehaving, and is feeling very sensitive and you aren't sure quite what to do with it, go and check it out here:

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Charity Pot: Hand and body lotion

Ok, so here is the mini review I promised to make on the little tester I was given on the way out of my lush trip on Saturday,  it's the Lush charity pot, now this little thing smells like a piece of Turkish delight that has been put through the blender, with a slight nutty aroma at the end, it is pleasant, but overwhelmingly strong. I know there's also 'organic cocoa butter' in there, along with many other beautiful products, which is just standard for lush, because they don't make anything without the finest ingredients being involved somewhere.
    The truly magnificent thing about this product is that 100% (not including vat) goes to a charity, I think that's amazing, how lush will spend their money and their time, with beautiful expensive ingredients involved, and they don't keep any of the profits. 'What a lovely thing to do, on the website it says 'Lush will give our time, Lush will give our raw materials, if you will be kind enough to buy it'. I think what I love the most is that they made a product that will actually attract people, and will buy it regardless of the fact all the money goes to charity, which is an ingenious way of getting more and more money to a good cause. 
   Down to the actual results, it is a milky white colour, and the texture is slightly thinner than what you'd expect from a hand and body lotion. It dries very quickly on the hands, it absorbs into the skin straight away, once your hands have soaked it all up they are left feeling very very moisturized, and smooth, on the body (I tried it on my legs) it does work, and it leaves skin feeling very nourished and smooth, but I prefer it as a hand lotion. The scent left on your hands is as though you've been a little bit greedy with a box of Turkish delights, that's the only accurate description I can muster. Charity Pot, go and check it out here:
(The lighting on my camera was being strange, I apologize)

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Lush toner review!

After I cleanse, I really love spritzing on a bit of toner, for a slight tight feeling, and just as a nice finish to my routine (when I can't be bothered with the moisturizer.) So as I have been so impressed with the lush cleansers, I thought the toners would surely be as remarkable, so I thought i'd give it a go. I started off with the tea tree water, because as I said I had problem skin the lady suggested that one, but when I'd finished that one off, and I had some money on me, I thought why not, so I bought the other two. So I hope you enjoy my review on the lush toners!

Breath of Fresh air

 I'll start with 'Breath of fresh air, The title of the toner is perfectly fitting, as it does smell like just that, you get scents of lavender, and citrus, and a hint of aloe I think, It says it's recommended for  all skin types on the bottle, which is handy if you don't have oily/combination skin like I do. The ingredients are so beautiful, that's why I love lush, because they do use the finest ingredients imaginable and the prices aren't even that ridiculous, they are definitely at a higher price range, but by god they are worth it. Breath of fresh air claims that it's a 'pick me up for the mind and skin', I do agree with that, when I spray it on I feel ready for the day ahead, I feel calm, It wakes me up, and it just gives the picture in your mind of being by the beach, (In england though!) except the scent is just intensified, so all of the usual seaside holiday smells multiplied by 100. there's the smell of seaweed, which is fresh and energizing, you get the floral scent, there's just everything in there and the scent really is so pleasant and refreshing, would definitely recommend it as a morning toner.
     Ok, so let's get down to the actual results, When spritzing it the spray comes out quite directly, Like a jet of toner, rather than coming out in a nice even mist, but that's probably just be being fussy like usual! DON'T GET THIS TONER IN YOUR EYES, it stings like hell! It also takes a remarkably long time to dry, I don't quite know why this is, but it can slow down the time it takes to put on my moisturizer. Anyway those are just my own personal complaints. It works for combination skin, definitely, it moisturizes the dry parts, and dries out the oily parts to a certain extent, which I was delighted about. After it has dried, skin feels nice and soft, it has a pleasant tight feeling, but not too much so, which is effective, as my skin is sensitive, and your skin just feels so clean? I can't put it into words, but your skin just feels clear, and free of unwanted toxins, which is just what you want when you wash your face! *Hint* If you put it into the fridge overnight, it will close your pores even more successfully, and it will wake you up and refresh you, which brings me to my next point, It's better for a morning routine, as it is very refreshing and  Rejuvinating. This toner is an absolute breath of fresh air, and would definitely recommend it. It costs £3.95 in the UK, check it out here!

Eau Roma

On each of these mini reviews i'm going to start with the scent, so here goes! when I first sprayed this on my face, childhood memories just came flooding back, because I had such a traditional stereotypical English granny, she baked apple crumbles, we went for roast dinners at her house every Sunday  and she smelt of lavender, and roses, and that was just the scent of her whole house, You're thinking how on earth is this relevant aren't you.. Thought so. It's relevant because the smell of 'Eau Roma', is my granny's house..  Lavender, roses, and perfume, captured in this tiny bottle, it's beautifully fresh too! I am in love with the scent and it is one of my favourite things about the whole product.
     It comes out in a beautiful mist, the spritz is very evenly distributed, which I like. It dries very quickly, and it's very gentle, i.e if it got in the eyes by mistake it probably wouldn't sting, because the only thing in there really is lavender and rose. So how does it work for oily/combination skin? It moisturizes the dry skin I have on my face without a doubt, but it is just slightly too gentle for me, I don't get the clean feeling in my face that I do with the other two toners. I can't feel my pores closing or my skin tightening. However it doesen't sting or burn my oily skin, something that the tea  tree and breath of fresh air do slightly, so an added advantage for that! After the short period of drying, your face feels beautifully smooth and I have noticed that it slightly evens out my skintone too! Which is an added bonus that wasn't advertised as part of the results of Eau Roma! Not the toner I would recommend for oily/combination skin, But still a beautiful product and I'm sure it will work wonders for anyone with drier skin. Go and check it out!

Tea Tree Water

This is the first toner that was suggested to me as I described my skin to the shop Assistant in my local store, and it was the first ever toner I tried from lush, and It must have been good, because I went back for more! 
      Now this spritzer is halfway between Eau Roma and Breath of fresh air, It is quite misted out and evenly distributed, but it does have that element of a direct jet, if I was to describe the whole product in one word, it would just be fresh. Fresh ingredients,  fresh scent, fresh idea, etc.. It is nearly completely made up of tea tree, which would give you the idea that it does nothing, but it's shocking really how much it does for your skin!  This is the only toner water that is targeted for oily skin, as oppose to all skin types, so I thought that was interesting, so that was one of the main reasons I did want to try this product, as well as being recommended it, and it's a good job it is recommended for oily skin, because it is so drying, more so than the other two. It does have a refreshing smell, that prepares you for the day ahead, but it's not too zingy and bright, so it could also be one of your night toners, as the smell is quite soothing and calming. Tea Tree is such a beautiful smell, it's so pure, and for me it is just the scent of cleanliness, Lovely scent, it is a very drying toner though, so I'd recommend it more for the oily side of skin, however if I have used a moisturizing cleanser beforehand, e.g aqua marina, then I don't mind using this, because I like to have a balance, so if you had skin that was slightly more dry, but you loved the smell of tea tree, that could definitely be an alternative for you. Go and check it out on their website!

Overall I would rank the toners on suitability for oily/combination skin:
1. Breath of Fresh Air
2. Tea  Tree Toner Water
3. Eau Roma Water

Bear in mind they are all fantastic products and would probably all work just fine for you, I am  just being picky, Furthermore Breath of fresh air and the tea tree toner are both quite similar products, it is just my personal preference.


Sunday 13 January 2013


Hello lushies, I went into my local store today, and restocked on Dark angels, which I can't live without, and I bought some breath of fresh air toner water, and as I was leaving I got a little charity pot hand and body lotion for free, so I will be doing a big review of all 3 lush toners, (Breath of fresh air, the tea-tree water, and Eau Roma) and saying which I feel is the most effective for combination/oily skin, and doing a small review on the charity pot! So stick around for that! Sorry I haven't done a review in a few days, I've been a bit busy and just haven't got round to it.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Enzymion Moisturizer

This is my first experience of a lush moisturizer, because the price always put me off, but my first experience has definitely been a pleasant one and I will be repurchasing. I chose Enzymion because the lush girl said it was the perfect moisturizer for oily/combination skin, and after previous experiences I have much trust for lush and their products, so I thought I might as well give it a go!
     I'll start with the smell, it is absolutely heavenly, it just smells fresh, and floral, but it's one of those that I just can't put my finger on, I can smell lavender I think it's slightly citrusy too, with a hint of aloe. It is pure white, and the texture isn't too thick, which I really like, it's like thin sun-cream.
          I'll apply my moisturizer after toning my face (with the tea-tree toner water by lush) and it goes on nice and thinly, and the smell is obvious when the product is being worked on the skin, which is lovely. After it's dried my skin feels really nice and soft, my dry patches just disappear, but without making my face feel extra greasy etc etc, when I wake up it definitely doesn't break me out, and my skin isn't very oily in the morning like when I use heavier moisturizers, Very good product and I will enjoy using it. Go and check it out on their website! (my camera is currently in repair, so a picture will be uploaded soon!)